Your next adventure awaits...

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Our top properties

Why book with us?

Our goal is to create the most memorable experience with every guest, all while keeping it simple. Additionally, you save on platform fees by booking directly with us, which could equal hundreds of dollars!

My Dad and I are no strangers to travelling. When we are exploring the country with friends and family, we frequently use Airbnb. From these experiences, we find lots of ideas to provide the best experience for our own guests.

I am a Superhost on Airbnb with hundreds of satisfied guests and 5 star reviews. By being a Superhost, you are held to a list of strict criteria and reviewed several times a year. You can view my Airbnb profile and reviews by clicking here. 

If you have any questions about our properties, please don't hesitate to send us an inquiry or call us! We look forward to hosting you!
